Index Press News
SFI Holding now directly owns the company that consolidates it's "quasi-treasury" shares

SFI Holding now directly owns the company that consolidates it's "quasi-treasury" shares

The Federal Tax Service changed SFI Trading LLC's entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on December 27, 2023. SFI Trading holds 57.09% of shares in SFI Investment Holding, consolidated under SFI PJSC's share buy-back program.

Previously, SFI Trading's shares were equally divided between Weridge Investments Limited and Barigton Holdings Limited, both subsidiaries of SFI registered in Cyprus. In an effort to simplify its asset ownership structure and transition the assets to the Russian jurisdiction, SFI Holding initiated the liquidation of the aforementioned companies in the fall of 2023. During this process, their shares in SFI Trading LLC were transferred to the holding company's balance sheet. 

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